Inbound Call Center Services.

We Listen. We Deliver.
Touchstone’s inbound call center services are the foundation of inbound customer service. While Omni-Channel is a fundamental requirement today, 67% of customers still prefer to talk with a company by phone. Touchstone provides accent-neutral associates trained to provide exceptional customer experiences. Our agents are trained in active listening skills, problem resolution, and how to deliver five-star customer care.

Travel Reservation

The hospitality industry has been overwhelmed by the COVID pandemic. Prior to the pandemic, about 5% of travel reservations were canceled or changed. For the past two years, 50-100% of travel reservations have been canceled or changed.
Entire countries routinely change their travel requirements and restrictions. Moreover, the travel companies themselves are facing tremendous staffing challenges. Touchstone can provide fully trained personnel equipped with state-of-the-art technology. These omni-channel services can be provided at a fraction of the cost of an inbound contact center in the Pakistan. Touchstone clients typically save 40-70% compared to the cost of an inhouse inbound contact center in the US. The opportunity to improve customer service, expand hours.

Inside Sales

Generating sales revenue is at the heart of inbound call center outsourcing. Quick answer times, providing product information and pricing, securely taking payment and scheduling shipment are critical tasks for companies offering inbound call services.
An excellent sales desk begins with training. Touchstone has trained its agents to deliver the correct information on every call and how to professionally guide the consumer to a successful sale. It results in a higher call to sales performance.