Turn Leads
into Sales

Touchstone Communications provides PCI Security on every transaction. As a PCI compliant call center, each transaction is a secure payment. The secure payment systems include technical firewalls and network security that guard sensitive data and provide PCI compliance for over the phone payments. The physical facility is protected by bio-entry requirements as well as SOPs that prohibit paper, writing instruments, phones, cameras, and storage devices on the floor where credit card data is viewable.

Lead Generation
Touchstone’s lead generation is a technique that builds visibility, credibility, acceptance for your brand in the mind of consumers. LeadGen focuses on identifying qualified prospects that are ready to move forward.
Generating quality leads is one of the strongest domains of Touchstone. We generate qualified leads with proven lead generation techniques with guaranteed higher conversion rates for our clients. Drive targeted leads using our multi-channel solutions and agents trained in specific industries.
Mortgage Live Transfer
Touchstone was founded by mortgage professionals who had built a $32 billion mortgage portfolio. For our first few years, Touchstone worked exclusively in the mortgage industry.
Mortgage is in our DNA. We get information from HMDA and maintain a database of every property and borrower in the U.S. We nurture this data to identify homeowners that are primed for a refi offer. We offer leads for every state in the nation with an ability to identify opportunities that cannot be discovered by just “buying data.”.

Appointment Setting

Nothing converts higher than face-to-face appointments. Touchstone has developed skills to set appointments for product presentations for many industries, including vacation time sharing programs and in-home solar sales appointments:

  • Available 24/7 in all 50 states
  • Our agents set appointments with qualified prospects
  • Fast ramp up times available.
Cart Recovery
Abandoned carts are a major source of lost income for e-retailers. Touchstone can engage with customers through omni-channel communication to recover lost income due to abandoned carts.
Often, consumers were genuinely interested in purchasing, but became distracted, couldn’t find their credit card, or were frustrated by the check-out process.

Integration into Client Payment Systems

Touchstone can integrate into client payment systems while exceeding PCI call center compliance requirements.
Touchstone’s integration capability includes connecting with data in client CRM’s and shipping, logistic, and inventory systems.